Lowcountry Forever: Big Bros 4 Life & Town of Mount Pleasant – Aug. 4, 2024

SEGMENT #1: Big Bros 4 Life
GUEST: Abraham Jenkins Founder and Director
ISSUE: Youth Services
After his brother’s life was ended by gun violence, Abraham Jenkins was inspired to help youth in the Lowcountry community. The organization’s mission is “Saving Our Youth One Community at a Time.” Jenkins explains how the organization recruits both members and mentors to work with the members and how he conducts weekly learning sessions to assist youth in growing into adults. Big Bros 4 Life first major event is this August’s “Back to School” Bash. Jenkins provided all the details surrounding the free event and the significance of certain aspects of the bash, such as the importance of haircuts in the community.


SEGMENT #2: Town of Mount Pleasant
GUEST: Kevin Mitchell, Deputy EDS Director
ISSUE: Economy/Shrimping Industry
Each year that goes by, the local shrimping industry gets older. In 2019, the Town of Mount Pleasant purchased land on Shem Creek, where most of the shrimping in the Lowcountry is done. Since purchasing the land, the town has been making plans to remodel and redevelop the area, specifically for the shrimp boats.  Kevin Mitchell, the Deputy EDS Director with the Town of Mount Pleasant has been in charge of the project. Mitchell explained the importance of the town spending $3 million dollars to purchase the property, and what will ultimate be done through the project, scheduled to be completed in July of 2025.